

Art can be a cunning beast, it can throw up all kinds of references and annotations. And when it is unleashed in the hands of a mendicant of aesthetic crucibles it can give us realms within realms. Meet Simran KS Lamba who delves into the development of new definitions of painting, including the monochrome, creates serial structures, and churns up images that speak of fire and smoke; at times he weaves in a focus on light, at times ensues a minimalist movement within the framed space; but seems to have a hunger for the interrogation of the relationship between nature, fictitious fantasy, and humankind. It is his unique journey with the use of coal tar that evinces a rare interest in viewer activation; and the production of evocative art actions, that keep the human gaze alive and thinking long after it is seen no more.

Coal tar over a canvas, is a fascinating medium -it becomes the source for the completion of the objective because Simran couldn’t have envisioned what that would be like without the materiality of the ideation of colour tones that could be adjacent to black. He couldn’t have painted from looking at a reflective, shiny screen. He needed to see the scale of his sensibilities. Its as if he needs to see a blocking of already-painted imagery alongside its coal tar -altered decipherings. Painting for Simran is an inchoate experience, it goes beyond the mere act of painting-it’s a process that accumulates and builds up into a momentum that must reach a crescendo of cohesive cadences. Painting then has become more about using these devices and details to make paintings that are incorporated into a personal aesthetic environment. He could not have envisioned paintings and environments without the materiality of his elements and that is why in practice and in his own sensitivity he stands alone and apart.

This is show of larger perspectives and perceptions.It has propensities that are unimaginable and a surreal substratum that you want to get beneath.Between the canvasses and the derkened embers of coal tar and colour this is a sojourn to savour and celebrate in reverie because it is the journey of a pilgrim who creates in the crucibles of his own solitary kingdom.And therein lies the beauty of isolation.